I love you, more than you could ever imagine.

Oh well, today was simply magnificent.
What a flawless day to end the school week.
It's because today went extremely fast, lessons were done in a blink of an eye.
Didn't have POA cause Ms Kwok was elsewhere.
then next was mother tongue, and I totally realized that Stephen is a guy full of crap.
Twaddle twaddle twaddle - to the MAX!
Next was English, I didn't do the - I-was-supposed-to-do-correction-work, needn't to listen to Mdm Sal, and carry on with my thingamajig.
Then chemistry.
Rocks!. I prefer chemistry more than physics, as we need to master those formula stuffs in physics.
Plus, I think physics has its "sub-subject". I think.
I mean like it's not just physics-alone.
It's like with math, and math.
Meaning... we need to compute, and yeah those formula thingamajig.
So yeah, chemistry... We got back our FAST test, I was eager to see how well did I do.
trying not to sound like a pessimist
When Ms Lin was announcing the highest and blah blah, I was kinda expecting my name.
Even somehow I find it kinda absurd.WTF
Then Ms Lin was saying the third highest... She went- "Angelika".
Hello!!! That's my name you're saying.
I was intoxicated!
Head over heels, bursting with joy.
It's been so long since my name was said being one of the highest.
I think it's because I treat education lightly.
I think that it's not really a big deal whatsoever.
I know that my kind of thinking is rather fallacious.
And I know it's bad for me, and my future.
So, I'm trying my best to change it.
And I'm starting next week, I'm going to set my goals higher.
Wish me luck.
Well there's much more happened today, AWESOME TO THE MAX!
and yeah, I guess I shouldn't blog about it, and yeah.. it's a very interesting bit.
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