There wasn't much happenings, trust me biatch.

My title have already declared it.
Even though I've blogged since...
This "holiday" wasn't as riveting as I thought it would be.
Went out practically 2 times.
I mean those outings weren't major ones.
Lamentable isn't it?
I shall not talk about this anymore, I find it very catastrophic.
I never thought that Poker face by Lady Gaga can be a song for line dancing?
Lol, random whatchamacallit.
Cause I hear Poker face coming from those old folks who's practicing their line dancing.
Ok, back to my life.
I have not yet to finish all my homework.
I'm feeling all devoid-ish lately.
I just remembered that I promised to myself that I'm gonna set my goals higher.
but seriously, I'm feeling all lethargic and don't feel like doing anything.
I wonder how am I going to respond towards my goals and all shit.
I don't want to give up without even trying.
That's fucking deformed. Lol, may appear non sequitur but it has links.
Today I sort of did quite a number of stuffs.
Did my Social Studies homework.
And gawked at the rest.
I mean the moment I look at it, I'd be totally amazed.
Why, cause it's so much that I assume I can't do it.
Screwwwwwwwww it.
Ok, I think I'm gonna just stop here.
I love you baby. :)
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