Angelika Daily

Headlines, gossips...just my daily life. Name it, probably I got it.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm very pissed now actually.

I'm currently mad with everything.
I'm pissed with how dad took my iPod's USB, for no reason.
I'm pissed with how the sink is overflowed with dirty dishes, waiting to be washed.
I'm pissed with how facebook is flooding my e-mail's inbox.
I'm very pissed with how I get notified in facebook about how the hell this and that commented on this and that's profile too.
I don't know who is Wendy, why the hell must her name come up every thirty freaking seconds, just cause she commented on some photo that I'm not even knowledgeable of.
I don't care what nail polish I must have.
Omg, outrageous.


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