The feel of the sun on my skin

(Just that Shaqdah,Ain,Raihan,Azman and Aliff and maybe Rashid isn't in this photo, as they were still havin fun in the water. Lol. Sorry anyway you guys.
And yeah, Haikal.. as he's at Vivo waiting for us to meet him. Lol)
And yeah, Haikal.. as he's at Vivo waiting for us to meet him. Lol)
One thing's for sure, I don't like the feeling of the sun touching my skin.
To me it's just painful and it doesn't make anything good (sunburn).
Anyway, today's been awesome. Had fun with these certain people.
How I wish every morning of my weekend could be spent like that.
Great bonding happened.
Though words and adjectives can't explain what happened and how much fun we sorta had.
Perhaps it'll be in my heart forever. Lol.
I shall say even it's not my actual birthday today, this is the best ever celebration. So far.
I hope I can celebrate my every birthday with the people I was just now, and some who also weren't there like Tiara.
thanks to "Sally And Vannie" for the gift ( which can't be mentioned here in my blog) the two of you gave me, it's really something new to me. Perhaps, this will be the start. If I happen to like it. Lol.
Big thanks to Ain and Shaqdah for the dress you girls gave me. Three words - I LOVE IT. Really!
Awesome girls. :)
Talking about gifts...

This pretty much perfect boyfriend material guy.
Who loves taking photos with his mouth wide open. Is my boyfriend slash my favourite brat.
He bought for me this awesome necklace which is made of white gold and diamonds. ;)
Yeah, ain't he sweet, awesome, greatest and everything else you can think of?
So yeah, thank you baby for giving me the second necklace of my life. Lol.
And for saving and stuff just to buy me this awesome gift. I'm more than lucky to have you.
I love you. Hell lot.
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