gaze into my eyes

Just sort of got home from Bishan. Accompanied baby to his dental thing.
Well it was just for awhile, oh well... sort of worth it.
Today's been real short and sweet.
We did nothing.
Mr. Wee's talk made me regret more, crap.
I chose the wrong path of life, what a bitch.
Oh well, on the brighter side... It's not too late to make up for everything I've done.
To straighten me up, and get working.
I still got time on my side.For now. Phew.
So what am I going to do?
Talk is cheap, indeed.
For me, Getting me to concentrate is at the same page as social suicide.
Wow. I really need to keep my word now.
I NEED to.
I need to get a good life. For me, and my future stuffs.
I don't want to be some good-for-nothing whore. That would be a total shame and a great disappointment to my parents.
I need to make my parents proud!
I need to put the not so necessary stuffs of my life aside, but what are these "not so necessary stuffs"?
This is hard.
I wonder how those brainiacs manage to get good results.
I'm amazed in some sort.
Focus, yes. It's sounds easy, but it's really hard...especially for me.
Thank you!
I think I got to aim higher.
I need to work on my art.
Patience, focus... yes. I'm going to learn you values, one day I'm going to have you stupid values wrapped around my fingers.
I shall stop ranting and start enjoying my holidays!
I hope it won't be boring as fuck.
Looking forward to a fun packed holiday, so STEPHEN... be ready to plan some outings.
My heart is yours
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