After the whole fiasco last night, I realized something.
Which gave me this strong desire to do something I shall not.
I'm still making up my mind whether I shall do it.
I am scared of any negative outcome though.
The thing is this.
You should know who you are, exactly.
Yes, if you're reading this..
I MISS YOU, get that?
I miss our little his and hellos.
Our late night conversations.
I miss how your smile melts my heart (cause apparently, you don't even look at me now. right?)
I miss how we used to care for each other.
I miss how we used to wait for one another.
I miss your touch (yeah, sounds gay)
I miss calling you
I miss fighting with you for nothing.
I miss everything.
I miss sitting beside you.
I miss your gay messages.
I miss our gay conversations.
I miss how you made me smile with every little thing you do.
I miss going home with you.
I miss our crissy crossy kinda thing.
I miss sharing drinks with you.
I miss looking forward to school, just because I want to see you.
I miss the adrenaline rush you give me.
I miss the butterflies in my stomach everytime I see you.
I miss saying I love you.
I miss hearing you love me too.
I miss my bill having thousands of numbers of sent messages.
I miss your messages.
I miss your proper messages.
I miss listening to every love song, thinking about US.
I miss the old me, smiling just the very mention of you.
I miss bragging about how perfect you are.
I miss thinking about how awesome you are.
I miss knowing that you care for me.
I miss sleeping with a smile on my face, knowing I'll be with you again tomorrow.
I miss staring at your lovely lovely eyes.
I miss knowing your every move.
I miss my daily dosage of drama.
I miss you calling me, the very moment you think I'm angry.
I miss the old me, ignoring almost everything just to text you.
I miss the old me, having overflowing amount of inspiration.
I miss the way you inspire me.
I miss betting, whether you'd call me or what.
I miss waiting for your message, even I know you've already fallen asleep.
I miss your sexy voice whenever you're sleepy, and I'd beg you to stay with me.
I miss accompanying you to anywhere you want to go.
I miss the times, when you were being gay with your heart-shaped and worm sweeties.
I miss your I love yous.
I miss your smiley faces which makes me really smile.
I miss knowing that you are mine.
I miss knowing I'm yours.
I miss asking permissions to go out, using you as my ultimate excuse.
I miss telling you almost everything.
These three would cut everything short.
I miss me with you.
I miss
I miss
I really do.