Around 2pm today, a weird vibe came rushing through me.
The song obsessed playing. I saw my phone saying "Ayin", I picked it up, thinking what does Ain want from me.
"Hello?" I answered, still curious.
"Hello, Angie..."
It didn't sound like Ain, the voice wasn't that sweet.
"...Angie, Haikal kat hospital taw" (Angie, Haikal's at the hospital)
"Huh?! Who are you sia?" I was already worried, yet reluctant to believe. My friend's not the type who'd get hospitalized, besides, he's doing his camp. What's the worse that can happen to him.
"Oi, Angie! I'm Tiara la, Haikal's in the hospital." Tiara was murmuring, and I thought it was stupid.
"Huh?! How come? What happened? And why are you murmuring?"
"I'm inside the library. Jag told us that Haikal's in the hospital, we also called Hendra to confirm...I think we're going to visit him tomorrow."
I thought, why must it be tomorrow, why not today.
"Today la!"
"Uhm.. K uh, I'm going to ask Shaqdah first"
After thirty minute-full of anxiety, we met at Yew Tee MRT station.
It took us quite a while to reach Outram.
I swear, if you were with us, the negative vibe Shaqdah was sending was totally lethal.
She was so worried that it's already irritating.
We reached SGH, I thought "Nothing so sentimental could happen."
Shaqdah kindly asked the receptionist where's this patient, which is Haikal.
She gave us this yellow paper, to fill in Haikal's name.
I was feeling fine.
We gave her back the paper, so that we'd know Haikal's whereabouts. Duh.
Seeing the paper, filled with the information about Haikal's whereabouts...
I suddenly felt like breaking down, no exaggeration.
I felt scared.
"Damn, he really is in here." My conscience told me.
Even before we met Haikal, it took us quite a while.
Paper works.
A lot of garbage are needed to be filled up, so that we can meet our friend.
I was thinking, what would they feel if they're in our shoes.
Again, Shaqdah was getting annoyed. Anxious. Paranoid.
We called Hendra, and then Hendra asked their maid to fetch us.
The poor lady went up and down and went back up again, just to get us in Haikal's ward.
I give SGH's service towards the visitors a rating of 1/10.
I understand that they are just doing this precaution shits, but please la, don't overdo it.
It was causing a hell lot of people inconvenience. Which is, damn stupid. Very very stupid to that.
Not like the visitors, would stay at the ward forever.
It's damn stupid. Grrrrrrr.
Anyway, after an hour...
We finally managed to see Haikal.
Thanks aunty (insert name here) for causing yourself so much trouble just to get us in.
Haikal looks fine, just that his eyes doesn't.
I don't really know how to explain what happened to his eye though.
But overall he's okay.
Though he mentioned that there's a high chance of him getting blind.
I don't know whether he was kidding, but I hope he is.
Tomorrow, I'm going to visit him again.
I don't know with who.. but, I can go there on my own.
I guess till here yea?
Bro, you got to be fine like overall.The group loves you.Get well very very soon.Angelika