Angelika Daily
Headlines, gossips...just my daily life. Name it, probably I got it.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
you got to be wondering
DTE guy, is the guy... I've loved the very moment I saw him doing some weird stuff.
I never got over him.
Everybody knows that.
But this time, they're not sure who exactly is DTE guy. :)
I'm marvelous, so marvelous.
Today isn't like any other day.
Firstly, I've spent alot of money and will end up giving the half or much more than half part of whatever I bought to either of my friends.
Lol. Ok, I just did that thrice. (this thrice has nothing to do with my facebook post.. :] )
Went to lot1 today after school, perhaps to slack and stuff.
The funny thing is this, there was this trying hard bitch who is VERY thirsty for trouble, inside the lrt.
Lol, I didn't get it, the whole thing was drop dead IRRATIONAL.
Ok, so the girl started staring at me and Vanessa when I read the brand of her bag which said "animal". (Lol)
Then yeah, she stared at me. Yoyo style. Pathetic? YES.
If she stared at me with the mark of adoration on her face, well I can't blame her. Lol.
Ok, so I was like staring back at her. ( Stephen said it was "amazing"(?) )
Then she stared at Vanessa. Hahaha. I guess Vanessa was having fun and everything.
Then the girl also started staring at Salina.
Ok, the thing is.. The girl is an inch close to the nerd side.
I don't get it why the hell was she trying to pick up a fight.
When we reached lot1, I guess she was like trying to lose us.
She used different routes and all shit, but we just followed her. What does she fucking think, we are dumb?
Ok, finally she went doing the "come here you" action with her finger.
Blah blah.
That's it, there wasn't any fight at all.
I guess she felt scared and everything.
Pathetic RED bitch.
Lol, enough of that.
Yeah, apart from those two reasons, my day's been normal.
I guess it would be boring for me to talk about it, and it would be boring for you guys to read about it.
DTE-guy, ily. For real. :)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Nobody by Wondergirls is wicked!
Lol, I've been singing the said song for nearly the whole day.
I've been singing while dancing, it kept me entertained the whole day.
The song's really catchy.
"I want nobody, nobody but you" *Clap Clap Clap
It gave me a great shock when I knew that practically almost EVERYBODY knows that song.
I mean, I just went like "Nobody, nobody but you" then Haikal did the clapping part.
I was flabbergasted for real.
This would be one of my signature.
panoramic views
Today's been an awesome yet awkward day.
Awesome, cause I had loads of fun just now.
I made it up to myself after that whole fandango I've been through.
Awkward, I'm feeling all weird, feeling sick and everything inside.
I don't know what's going on with me, but I think my body's gone haywire.
I've been feeling cold the whole day, but I'm not sick.
I was even joking with Ms Tan saying that, I got almost every symptom of H1N1 except for the temperature. But true.
But of course, I don't want to go home.
Anyway, I want but I don't want to go to school tomorrow.
Omg, whatever.
Today, I've been practically talking to my confederate the whole day.
We got sentimental and all at times, but yeah... We would just carry on with everything.
Anyway, I don't know whether this is paranoia, but I've been thinking that every "word of wisdom" talks to me.
It's freaky, I mean... I can relate to everything. How awesome. And Freaky.
Today, I also knew a lot of stuffs, that I was never aware of.
Like THIS and THAT. It was shocking furthermore annoying.
Oh well, I guess I shall not explain any further.
DTE-guy, ily. :)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Two of my greatest :/

Ok, so I didn't blog about the birthday boy as I was out the whole day.
Haikal's day is today.. yeaaah.
He's one of the pepo who made me what I am today.
Yes, if it weren't for them, perhaps I'd be some loner or what.
This guy, is an amazing guy.
Amazing in every way.
A talented and a real smart lad.
All these years, we went through thick and thin together with "Hearts" and Gheyy Gang.
Though past tested our friendship hardcore, we remained as as what we are,friends. Best of it.
He is there when I need him, when I need someone to talk to.
Be it some stupid conversation or a serious one.
He reads me like a book, and I know he knows me inside-out.
This kind of friend is like one in a million, I tell you.
So I am so feeling blessed that I met him, and have him as my very good friend.
So yeah, man.
Like what I told you.. Twist all that thing round your finger, and fuck the hell out of it.
It's all in your hands man.. All of it. :)
Selamat Hari Jadi, kawan ku.

One of the pepo who cares for me the most, I know. :)
He's a real gentleman (believe it or not, he is.) It's just that sometimes, he doesn't seem like it.
But he's a real nice chap.
He's my church buddy, yes... Everytime I feel like going to church he'd be there on standby.
Ok, enough of the nonsense.
Stephen.. Stephen... Stephen.
When you get to know him, like the real him... You'll learn to appreciate him.
Yes, he's a heck of a bum at times (at times?) nevertheless, he's a great great man.
I've known him since sec1, he was still the quiet type that time. But cheeky.
I remember the times when he crapped about stuffs that scared the shit out of me.
Blah blah.
We started being real tight friends when sec2 came.
He was my most-awaited talking buddy, like DUH.
Every time, when we chat or whatever, we talk like there's no tomorrow. We talk about various stuffs, like yeah...
This guy adds colour to my life. Yes, he is like the... yellow? Or whatever colour.
Like without him, perhaps my social life would be like just social.
Yes, he brings life and everything. And he's a huge part of my secondary life.
He's a friend that I'll remember forever. I'll keep forever.
I don't know what to say cause I'm totally out of words, pero Stephen...
Maraming salamat sa pagiging mabuting kaibigan.
Maraming salamat sa pagtitiis sa mga kagaguhan ko, sa lahat.
Masayang masaya ako at naging kaibigan kita.
Ayun, kahit kelan andito lang ako. :)
¡feliz Cumpleaños mi amigo.
Happy birthday to the both of you.
I love you guys like for real.
Thank you for EVERYTHING.
I am seriously out of words so yeah,
whatever thing comes up... Just screw it. :)
You guys' most awesome friend.
So today went to church, it was different having Salina around.
Yet, I managed to listen to the priest and stay awake the whole mass.
I sang church songs and all, it's been years since I did that properly.
And this time I wasn't late for the mass. :)
Today's been a blast, it's a major secret why. :)
Thanks to the people who made it real special.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Shake the glitters off.
Had a very effective talk with Shaqdah just now.
Nothing feels better when I complain to her.
I just love it when she agrees with me, no matter how irrational my point is.
I love how she understand every word I say.
Every single thing I feel.
The best thing about her is, she puts herself in my shoes. And gets the exact same view.
And there's no exception. She gets it like perfectly.
Later I'm going to talk to Haikal, yes.. I'm going to complain to him on his very day.
Anyway, talking about Haikal.
Yeah, I messaged you already...
It's for your eyes only, so yeah. :)
Blah, Blah...
It's like Sunday now.
Later going to church with Salina, something I'm looking forward to.
But I don't think we'll go somewhere after the mass, she needs to be home by 12. LOL.
Oh well...
Anyway, lately.. I've been smiling alot to myself.
Yeah, seems crazy and everything... But yeah, life's crazy man.
It's like a wild ride that you're never able to get off.
Sometimes, I just can't help but puke and all, but after awhile.. I know I can clean myself up and start over again.
So yeah, puke.. Get ready.. I know how to get rid off you. :)
This ride won't be so crazy after all.. after getting used to it.
Anyway, whatever kind of ride's ahead of me, I'm ready to get onto it.
Every ride is fucking fun, when you got your friends' arms locked with yours.
Oh yeah, everything will carry on. Yes.
Bon Voyage Angelika.
I am drop dead gorgeous. LOL.

Photos are the most wonderful thing in the world, I swear.
Anyway, to my friends who aren't in these photos, it doesn't mean I don't love you laa. :)
Yeah.. Lol, Andre isn't in any of the photos, cause... He's not my friend. -.- stupid fiasco.
Kidding laa. Perhaps yeah, later.
So yeah, I'mma add some other photos later as I'm going to wander all around some random place with my brother.
problem to solve
Lol, it seems that I still have a lot of problems to solve.
But I think they can work on their own. Haha, whatever.
Anyway, blogspot is so acting like one whore being screwed. Grrrrr.
It just won't let me blog.
That's why, almost everybody's blog is talking about MJ excpet for my blog. Lol.
Yeah, the man was a real talent, what a great loss.
I was watching ET, and saw how he moved and everything, damn.. I was awestruck.
Anyhow, take care Michael. I hope heaven will welcome you with open arms, despite how how scandalous you lived your life.
Okay. Life's playing with me. Seriously.
Take note, life is playing a game I'm not good at, and I am never willing to learn its rules.
Sucks big time, I tell you.
Ouh, anyway... at least I have fun.. Sometimes.
Is it I have.. or I HAD.
Damn it.
It's extremely difficult to predict what will come up next.
Shall I keep predicting or just go with the flow?
I don't know, anxiety is taking over me like how God took MJ and Farrah Fawcett.
Poor them, poor me.
Gah, let's talk about a small part of every student's life.
Lol, to me it's on the same page as last minute.
I've done the heymath part, and overall I got 28/60!!!
HAHAHAHA, it was crazy.. I can't help but to like just choose one and then BAM.
Hey, at least I got a reasonable score right?
I just guessed which is which and I got an "almost-there-score".
And yeah, I so totally dig my name man.
I wonder what was up with me, when I was a kid.
I didn't like my name at all.
I remember me, daydreaming about my "mommy-should-have-named-me-this" name while sharpening my crayons.
Aaaaaaaah, I want to be a child again. Good times.. good times.
Til here pepo!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Lol, I'm going to post my actual post tomorrow.
I'm having some serious technical problem.
Omg, that sounds so pro "technical problem".
After helping Junyi with his powerpoint problem just now, I felt damn awesome.
I am so talented.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
give me someone I can treasure
Yes, my title says it all.
But I don't want to treasure anybody else, but you.
Ok weird?(!)
Checkin out random (about life) quizzes at this random website.
I am like just ticking and everything..
Not even reading what's the question about.
And damn...
There's this thing..
just as they thought
Lots of thoughts now are bugging me.
But I can't be bothered at all. :)
Yes, I am invincible.
Though a lot of stuffs are hovering around me...
I am left speechless.
I was thinking of blogging everything, but I don't know where to start.
There's just a lot.
Gah, I'm going to think about it first.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
lost in the fairytale
I've been talking to my ex-classmates the whole afternoon. (well sorta)
I've just thought to myself, how I regret everything...
Not really everything like literally everything.
I guess I just mean, something.
I shouldn't have agreed to the idea of migrating here. In Singapore.
I just thought.
I took some random quiz in facebook, and it said that I'd always be an Isabelan.
The thought of "I should have just finished my high school there" struck me. I miss my Alma Mater.
If I stayed there, I would possibly be busy with my friends and such.
Not having the most miserable time of my life.
If I stayed there, I wouldn't be right here bothering about a lot of stuffs.
Perhaps, I'd be sleeping right now or maybe jamming with some of my neighbor.
I wouldn't be right here thinking about how am I going to carry on with life (dramatic much? YES. Lol)
On the other hand...
If I stayed there, I wouldn't know what's the real meaning of life.
If I stayed there, I wouldn't be right here learning from my mistakes.
If I stayed there, I wouldn't have the chance to meet the most awesome group I am with now.
If I stayed there, I wouldn't be here talking about how would my life be if I decided to stay.
Last but not the least...
If I stayed there... I wouldn't have the chance to meet the person I awfully fell in love with.
Perhaps, I would still be living uninspired...
Still clueless about this thing they call 'love'.
I don't know.
Anyway, I am not regretting about anything that's included in my "on the other hand" list.
I never did.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
ain't rough, ain't fun.
I said that I maybe doing a video again...
But I guess once a day is enough.
Lol, I shall not get hooked up with it.
But I swear it's an awesome thing to do, I guarantee you.
And I thought that I shall go back with typing cause it's more dramatic. :D
At least I shall not try too hard to be lively and all.
Ok, today I actually spent my afternoon watching lady gaga.
I LOVE her.
I want to watch her this coming August. Omg, keeping my fingers crossed.
I am keeping my fingers crossed for a lot of things anyway.
It's like killing A LOT of birds with one stone. :D
Smart move...
I think that's it for my typing part.
See you guys tomorrow.
Monday, June 22, 2009
My neck hurts like mad...
I think I'm going to die. -.-
It's because of the bump..
Last night fiasco..
Long story.
Video Blog!
I made my second video blog, as it was really cool.
Didn't get to post it last night cause my mom didn't let me to.
So yeah, enjoy watching me talking to myself.
This video has quite a dosage of vanity, so yeah.. beware (?)
Forget about the last last part..
The fonts were too small.
Bull crap.
But yeah..
The yellow thing, there was something written on the yellow thing..
Didn't get to post it last night cause my mom didn't let me to.
So yeah, enjoy watching me talking to myself.
This video has quite a dosage of vanity, so yeah.. beware (?)
Forget about the last last part..
The fonts were too small.
Bull crap.
But yeah..
The yellow thing, there was something written on the yellow thing..
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Lol, yes. Jealousy kills but, not as fatal as a heartbreak though.
When you need to give up certain stuffs, there's a lot of chances somebody else there would pick it up. I shall not use 'pick it up' but.. I don't know what's the other phrase but yeah...
Perhaps it's just me.. Lol. Selosa
Ok, here's how jealousy feels.
Let's say you have a diamond ring and you care for it very much. Cause it's very shiny. And it's just perfect.
Later came a crisis, that muttered you got to to sell it. (or whatever you do to a jewelery when you got to say bye to it. )
You didn't want to, you promised to yourself you'd keep it forever...
Situations were all against you, you didn't have any choice but just to give it up...
You sold it away with tears running down your cheeks.
It was difficult to adjust yourself, you were used having it around...All around your finger.
After countless odd nights, you finally got over it.
Though there's nothing to brag about how awesome the ring was, you just got to face reality and go on.
The thing you feared the most, another person might have been wearing it.
Having it all around her finger - Happened.
You saw her while you were walking around, trying to find a less better replacement.
The feeling would just be like, a knife piercing your heart. Jealousy. Yes that's how jealousy feels. It's up to a person whether he's strong enough to get through it.
It takes a lot of effort to shove away the temptation, to get it back.
Unfortunately, I don't have much effort.
"Ring, I'm going to get you back" I whispered to myself.
Friday, June 19, 2009
So I wasn't able to blog just now...
I made some stupid video of myself talking..
And yeah... crap, I forgot a lot of people's name.. DAMN IT.
Sorry uh.. like really...
Still the one
I don't like it when people lie.
Even let's say it's just a white lie...
It's JUST a white lie? It's still mother fucking LIE!
A lie needs another lie to cover up itself.
Which makes up a huge lie.
Little things makes up to the huge one, like what I said to my earlier post.
I find it real moronic when people tend to lie, even though they know that the person they're lying to deserves to know the truth.
Oh whatever.
Anyway, I'm feeling all better now.
I'm happy yet sad.
I'll just go with the flow.
I came up to my senses, and thought that there's a lot of people who loves me..
Though, it's a different one.
I don't know...
I'm just feeling neutral.
Reality still hurts and such.
I don't know laa..
I don't know how to describe what I'm feeling.
I miss him though.
A lot.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I am tired. Literally.
Emotionally, mentally, physically.
Even though I am sad, I can't cry anymore...
I think all my tears have been used up.
I finally slept.
I haven't eaten a proper meal though.
But I've already already slept.
And I really hate the feeling of waking up.
Sleeping with no messages and waking up with no messages.
My phone's battery is going flat, but I don't even seem to care at all.
Wtf, it hurts to make this "little" adjustments.
Every little things makes up the huge one.
It's hard, but as I said... I'm trying.
I want my old self back.
Though, I can't get him back...
I want my old self back..
I just want to smile and everything.
How I wish I can follow people's advice.
Talk is cheap.
Yes. It is.
I was just reading Stephen's blog, and he mentioned..
"... a friend of mine, is like mourning over someone alive..."
I'm just sorrowful. That's it.
I think sometimes, I may seem to exaggerate my situation.
But trust me, whatever I'm saying is for real.
Actual thing.
I can't use my friendster.
I can't adjust all the things I've done there.
I can't even take a look.
Seriously, it hurts.
Same goes for my twitter.
Last night, when I used my livejournal...
I never thought all the post was almost all about him.
I did a quick scroll down, then water works came.
Day after day, I think I'm getting adjusted.
This may sound cliche but, I'll keep the memories inside my heart. Forever.
Like Katy Perry and I always say.. "How do I get any better, once I've had the best?"
Remember, Baby?
You said move one, where do I go?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I just need to let it all out
"Hold your head high Angiie, aite?
Will pray for you to have the best.
To Ms Awesome:
"Aaus din buhay mo. Lam kong biglaan ung nangyari pero...
la na taung maga2wa. Cnu ba nman may gusto i-break kau dba?
Baka... tlgang... ganito lng ung dpat mangyari... malay ba ntin...
tlagng not meant to be...
may isang la2ki dyan na pra lng sau...
Bsta Angiie...
wish you the best.
Translation (well, pretty much)
To yeah, Ms Awesome (moi! :D)
Your life would be better... I know everything that happened was all in a sudden, but...
We can't do anything.. I mean, who wanted to see you guys end up?
Maybe...Things are just meant to be this way.. who knows...
you guys are not really meant to be..
There's one guy out there just for you.
That was all Jein's "words of wisdom" for me...
"Anyways , I would like to take this opportunity of my blogging initiative [merepek siaa ini line ;D]
I would like my best BabyGirl to cheer up . I want to see her smile back again on her face . I want to see her brighter side of life . Not the other side of her which is the sad part .
I know that he's your everything . But since he wants inner peace , give it to him and understand him for this once [?] Well, I know you don't like understanding people but you want his happiness kan ? Then you will have to comprehend him . For this once BabyGirl . Give him the happiness that he needs . Andd he told me he loves you still . But he really need to take the very big step in succeeding in getting his inner peace .Whatever it is , youu know that I'm alwaysh ere for youu . Cheer up sayang . I miss your smile and laughter and yeahh , I miss gossiping with you :'(
Cause I know right now you wouldn't ahve any mood to do anything. But please , stop torturing yourself ! Stop sleeping late and atleast please eat something . It's no good for your health tauu sleep so late and not eating that much . Like for an example sleeping late can cause youu to have more pimples! Do youu want pimples to break out on your face ?! You don't want kan? Then jangan buat bende bodoh larh okay sayang ?
I miss you . The old you . When you are always looking at everything on the brighter side . :(
Shaqdah sayang Angiie always . :'("
And this is Shaqdah's.
They're suppose to cheer me up...
But every time somebody reminds me of this thing I'm trying very hard to face..
I can't help but just breakdown.
I can't look on the other side of life. There's this huge barrier blocking my view.
I can't smile, cause I've got enough of the crooked lines.
It's hard to face the truth, but I've got no choice..
I got to...
Anyways, thanks to the both of you..*Shaqdah and Jein
You guys have been listening to my sobbing and all crap.
I thank you guys for listening to whatever I have to say.
Thanks to everybody who asked me what was wrong and everything.
Who tried to help me, and talked some real sense into me. Like Rena.
And alot more people.
Ness also, at least she made me feel better and help me realize there's more to life.
But now..
My mind's in a serious whirl...
I think I'mma yeah, just give it time...
I think I can make it.. after forever.
God bless me.
I love you. I will always do.
slightly better.
I am currently feeling better.
But when I was on my way home(just now), I thought that...
I'm gonna have some problems waking up and sleeping.
If I can do both.
Ok, I can't face mornings and evenings.
I feel very vulnerable everytime I am alone, and on my bed.
Without fiddling my phone or talking to somebody on the phone.
Ok, I shall not talk about this topic...
Cause it causes me some serious emotional breakdown.
While I was talking to Ate Ness, I thought that... I'm gonna do fine.
Though, sometimes.. I need to face some sad moments and shit.
I know it'll take forever for me to move on, but I guess that I shall really try my best.
There's no point asking him to stay, despite the fact that I want him to. Badly.
I think we shall be just awesome friends.. Yeah..
But, I think I need more communication as I really can't stand being alone.
That's the least he can do for me.
Now, I'm not gonna bet that we'd be back again or what...
I'm not going to hope for something he sort of mentioned as impossible.
I just hope I can get through this faster.
Seriously, even I'm getting better..
Everything is still lethal.
Current Situation
I'm tired.
But I can't sleep.
I want to let go, but my grip's too tight.
I want to walk away, but my heart and my mind asked me to stay.
My eyes are swollen.
But can't stop crying.
You know, everything just happened so fast.
I didn't even see it coming.
It just hurts to see that whatever you've tried to build up, you'll just watch it go crumbling down.
Can somebody bring me back to sanity?
I need a break.
I've never been mentally tired.
I've never felt this awful.
Never felt so lost, it's like you know.. walking aimlessly around Heartbreak city.
I've never been there, you see.
I hope I don't hold a one-way ticket though.
I don't feel belonged.
I feel so alone.
I am not interested about doing anything.
Talking seems to make me feel better, but every time I remember the story.. I can't just help but breakdown.
It just everything seems to be so easy when you say it.
It's maddening.
But everything that's happening now is totally torturing me.
Life's being a torture to me.
It's so funny I remember me thinking that life is beautiful.
Well, it was.
Until this awful nightmare.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
everything that you can think of.
Did not get any better.
I can't bring myself to understand...
I'm trying my very best, but there's still some questions in my mind. Why?
I don't blame anybody or anything.
But I can't help but to ask myself too, where did I go wrong?
They say stuffs. Stuffs that I used to say whenever somebody's facing the same thing as I'm facing now.
It's easy to say, but it's very difficult to make things come to life.
All I know is, it's hard. Everything's hard.
I can't. But still, I'm trying very hard.
I don't want any pity, but it seems and I know that I look like I deserve a hell lot of sympathy.
The thing is, I don't know whether can anybody understand what I feel.
What I know is, I'm having the worst time of my life. Yes, WORST. Oh wait I'll get that in bold- WORST.
It's worse than anything. And I mean everything, everything that happened to me.
No words can explain how much I feel.
Nobody can make me feel better.
They do care, I appreciate that. A lot.
But nothing would bring the old times back.
Past is past, duh.
But I would like to live in the past. PLEASE.
starting point
I'm gonna go out and give myself some time off.
I need it badly.
But I need someone more. If only he understands.
I don't know, why must I keep on understanding him.
Ever thought of understanding me, Andre?
Whatever, maybe you did.
I'm mad with everything.
round and round.
If only I can scream my lungs out. Yes, my lungs out.
To let all these frustrations out.
It's so foolish of me to think that life's perfect and SHIT.
Life's a bum.
That's the fact, it treats everybody ruthlessly.
If only I can scream my lungs out. Yes, my lungs out.
To let all these frustrations out.
It's so foolish of me to think that life's perfect and SHIT.
Life's a bum.
That's the fact, it treats everybody ruthlessly.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Much awaited!
I've received a message from Andre.
The way he talks is somewhat different.
Oh well, he said he did change and all...
Receiving his message was like winning the lottery.
I can't help but to smile from ear to ear the moment I got it.
And yeah, thank God he's okay...
He made me worry without his messages.
Alive and kicking
Yes, fortunately. I've come up to my senses.
I just knew that nothing will be better if I continue doing whatever I'm doing.
Hello Reality
You make my liver quiver.
You make my liver quiver.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I’ve been dying to reach you.
Tomorrow’s Monday, meaning Andre’s church camp is done.
Well, I doubt I can talk to him till Thursday.
I’m still waiting for his message anyway.
I slept like 6.30am, just because I really can’t sleep without his messages.
Yes, maybe I’m obsessed…
I’m just a girl in love. (eeeeeeeeee)
Paranoia’s taking over me.
Actually, it’s taking over everybody.
But I can say my case is the worst one.
I wonder what’s wrong, why am I acting or thinking this way?
It’s unusual; I’ve never been this pessimistic and anxious before.
I need some “comforter” according to Jein.
Nobody’s word is making me feel better.
I think he’s the only one who can make me better.
Unfortunately, he can’t.
Call me Ms Paranoid
I’m dead till Thursday.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Yesterday and today's boring.
No messages, nothing.
Yesterday, boredom told me to take a walk around nearby places.
Places I've never been to preferably..
I went to this very long canal place.
It was peaceful, very windy...
I got to reflect bout life and such.
Life's been treating me good, but I know that definitely good things come to an end...
I wonder how am I able to take it... I mean if my good things come to an end.
Sometimes, I think some happenings are too good to be true.
And it simply just scares me that, I don't deserve them... And when I wake up the next day they're gone.
I wonder why am I thinking this way...
I think I shall not be too paranoid.
I miss you.
I haven't received any message from you since last night..
And it's killing me.
the reason why until I die
Thursday, June 11, 2009
self inflicted
A very short post for today.
Today's been long and boring.
Like, a major thanks to SOMEBODY. Lol.
Well well, I want to be a nun.
Can I?
Imagine life
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Marry me.
Ok, I'm bored...
And bored, nothing and nobody is entertaining me..
Oh yeah! let me check my friendster.
Ooooh, interesting I have new comments.
That's lame. -.-
Oh whatever, that's boredom for me.
And I'm still bored.
Can somebody make this day special for me?
God.. It isn't too late..
There's still 2 hours..
Nothing. I love you! :D
Kailangan kita
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
put your lips on my mouth
I'm so bored that I decided to clean.
Yes! I scrubbed those irritating things I see on the floor.
Finally they're gone, and I made myself some use.
Later, I'm going to clean my room. Maybe.
There's a lot of paper all over, cause of MYE madness.
My room has yet to recover.
Anyway, I really miss my HOT boyf. ;)
I wish I can see him. Every time I want to, preferably.
Unfortunately and obviously that's impossible. :(
Ok, my siblings are being severely stupid.
They tried to scare me with a peacock's feather.
Though they know how much I fear feathers, fucking stewpid.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Oh em geeeeee.
Finally Monday!
As you people know, I've been dying for this day.
Anyway, I didn't blog yesterday as I was really tired.
Went to church with Stephen and Jein, then headed to Vivo for lunch.
It was sorta fun, though most of the times we are left speechless.
I wonder why...
For me it was something really wrong.
Nevertheless, it was still fun.
And at least I wasn't rotting all the day at home.
So, like what I said to my last post...
Nothing so significant will happen until today.
Thinking that it's Monday today simply cheers me up.
Shall blog again later!
I miss you.I miss you.I MISS YOU
Saturday, June 6, 2009
I think, I can make it.
After hearing my baby's voice last night..
Everything seemed to be better.
It gave some kind of a break with all the missing and stuff.
And guess what, I think I can make it to Monday without dying.
Nevertheless, I still miss him. Very much.
Oh well, just got to wait for Monday then.
Tomorrow's Sunday!
Then Monday!
Friday, June 5, 2009
I'm bored. :(
So, I've just finished bathing..
And everything feels different.
Haven't received any text message since 0950.
I miss Andre for real.
Anyway, just now... I had a small chat with Rena.
Well it wasn't really small, as the topics weren't those small topics like... :D
I shall say it was really awesome and interesting talking to her.
I miss something
And that's PAN DE SAL.
Pan de sal is some kind of a bread. An awesome bread.
I want the pan de sal, I used to have when I was a kid.
It was like so cool, cause it was just from a nearby neighbourhood bakery.
It was crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.
It's like so soft that I used to think that it's still a dough.
Same goes for Pan De Coco.
Lol, I was never a fan of coconut stuffs, but that bread changed everything.
It's been five hours...
Only, and I don't think I can make it.
Five hours of not fiddling with my phone, five hours of not hearing my phone's message tone, five hours not contacting Andre is already killing me. With no supercalifragilisticexpialidocious included.
Omg, how am I gonna spend my days til Monday?
Everything's gonna be so insignificant for sure, til Monday I mean.
Anyway, I can't wait for Sunday..
Gonna go to church with two of my best friends...
It's gonna be a blast, cause Jein's tagging along.
I mean I sort of got tired of Stephen. In a good way. Lol.
I'm so looking forward to that day.
And at least, I'm not going to be rotting at home thinking about Andre.
Why is the time so fucking slow?!
I want it to be Sunday tomorrow please!!!
So that tomorrow, I'd be going out then tomorrow I'm going to have my baby back.
Awww... I really miss him.
I sound like one heck of an addict.
Hais, I'm thinking of what can I blog about.
Oh well, I can't think of anything.
Just that I'm so looking forward for Sunday.
And I miss Andre.
First and last
Thursday, June 4, 2009
5th post for the day
Lol, I'm not exactly showing off how adorable my nails are.
I'm not really bragging about anything right now.
Omg, I'm being an arse.
Whatever, I'm really bored.
And I'm so scared to sleep.
Last night fiasco.
Too long to mention.
I'm scared I'm going to be one insomniac after that whole ordeal.
I hope not.
It scared the shit out of me.
Crap that nightmare.
17 out of 37 :D
The more [x]’s the “dumber” I am.
[x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were talking
[x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were NOT talking
[x] You have ran into a glass/screen door
[x] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle
[x] You have thought of something funny while walking by yourself
[ ] Laughed, then watched people give you weird looks
So far:5
[ ] You have run into a tree/bush.
[ ] You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow
[x] You have tried to lick your elbow… a few times
[x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little
star have the same rhythm.
[x] You just tried to sing them.
So far:8
[ ] You have tripped on your shoelace and fallen.
[x] You have choked on your own spit .
[ ] You have seen the Matrix and still don’t get it.
[x] You’ve never seen the Matrix.
[ ] You type only with two fingers.
So far:10
[x] You have accidentally caught something on fire
[ ] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went into your
[ ] You have caught yourself drooling.
[ ] You have fallen asleep in class and fell outta your chair
So far:11
[x] Sometimes you just stop thinking
[x] You are telling a story and forget what you were talking about
[ ] People often shake their heads and walk away from you
[ ] You are often told to use your “inside voice”.
[ ] You use your fingers to do simple math
So far:13
[x] You have eaten a bug
[ ] You are taking this test when you should be doing something
more important
[ ] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and
didn’t realize it
[x] You’ve looked all over for something and realized it was in
your hand
[x] You have ran around naked in your house. (HAHAHA)
so far:16
[ ] You repost bulletins because you are scared that what they say
will happen to you if you don’t.
[ ] You break a lot of things.
[ ] Your friends know not to use big words around you.
[ ] You tilt your head when you’re confused
[ ] You have fallen out of your chair before
So far:16
[ ] When you’re lying in bed, you try to find pictures in the
texture of the ceiling or wall
[x] The word “ummmmm” is used many times a day.
Now count them up and put “I’ve done __ stupid things out of 37″ in the title field.
And there'd be hell til Monday
Monday is so far away from now, that's for me.
Andre's leaving for Malaysia tomorrow, he'd be back til Monday.
That would be (counting) 2 or 3 days without any contact with him.
I wonder how would it be..
I bet there's one word which I guarantee would come up. Boredom.
Seriously,involving no exaggeration. I'd be drop dead bored.
Not just that, I'm going to miss him big time. :(
It'd be real hell for me.
God bless me.
The thought of it really kills me.
I'm going to miss you..
Even though, it'd be a short time...
I guess I'm going to die for 3 days.
I want to cry.
I am starting to sound like a drama queen.
So yeah baby..
Take care..
And yeah, stay faithful uh!
I love you.
God bless me.
I am sort of affected with EVERYTHING
Been busy for the past two days.
Didn't really blog, as I'm totally tired.
I'm so into stuffs, that I even lost track of the days.
I thought it's Wednesday today, then my sister said it's Thursday.
Loser much.
So last Tuesday..
Went to Jein's place to hang out.
Was there until late, we karaoke-d all night long. Not.
Had lots of fun there.
Yesterday, went to town to meet Andre and Haikal.
Played lan, then headed home.
Yeah, I went all the way to town just to see Andre.
Ok, I'm speechless..
I'm not really in the mood for blogging right now.
To the Pendejos:
You guys know, I love the both of you.
So yeah, I'm happy for the both of you..
Make things work out this time.
All the best! :D
My mood's down
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Completely tired.
I'm tired. Tired like I've never been tired before.
Nevertheless, this day's been a blast.
Memorable in some way.
Went in to Science Centre for free! Lol. (I sound like one cheapskate person)
Did some stuff and then went Queenstown.
DID the class shirt. Lol.
Everything's fine.. In some sort..
To my fellow 3e2 people, I would like to inform you guys that our shirt is similar to the e1's.
(and I mean real similar)
And the quote.. I took it out, sorry to those who might be sad about it.
We did this for you guys own good.
The colour of the shirt would be grey, not pink.
The colour of the font would be pink and not grey.
I'm sorry Danial if this would affect you big time.
As I repeat, it for you guys own good.
Better pay uh, you all. :D
And I want.. TALENT FEE.
Oh well, whatever.
Real bushed.
Shall end it right here.
Will blog about the whole day tomorrow.
Cause today's real awesome.
Indubitably inlove with you.
Monday, June 1, 2009
omfg, infuriated.
And so, I'm going to blog before heading down to dreamland.
Today's been neutral... was practically with that Tiara the whole day.
She was the first face I saw in the morning.
I was still lying on my bed, just got to reality.
Then mom went knocking, saying that, that Tiara is outside.. Cheyh.
Then after one hour she headed home.
After that, I decided to meet her again.
I asked her to accompany me, cause I want to do my nails.
I went to her place and waited for Uncle Chicken to come.
Uncle Chicken came, then we went to lot1 to do my nails...
Then yeah, now my nail's superb. :D
The colour is nice.
Though I messed it up a little bit the moment I got home.
I guess I'm going to end it right here.
I got to wake up early for tomorrow.
Going to see that Andre!
I love my most awesome number one brat.
He rocks!